Acupuncture & Moxibustion
There is a pathway by which the flow of qi moves in the body which innately supports homeostasis. Due to circumstance, choices we make, or environmental factors, this flow may get stuck. Or in the infinite wisdom of the body always moving towards harmony, qi may be diverted to a different pathway to solve a particular imbalance, yet can lead to a different one that may appear in the form of pain or disease. With the use of acupuncture needles in certain locations or points in the body, the natural flow cycle of qi can be restored.
When there are "cold" patterns in the body, usually associated with yang deficiency (lack of "fire"), the use of moxa (mugwort) can help restore the yang, warming what is cold, helping to restore balance in the body. This is useful for such disharmonies as extreme fatigue, pain, digestive disorders, gynecological issues, and much more, including the turning of breech babies in late stage pregnancy.
Release stress and anxiety
Balance energy and mood
Relieve pain
Support digestion
Help with insomnia
Regulate menses/PMS
Support reproductive system
Perinatal care
Freedom from allergies
Preventative health